Your relationship should be a source of excitement, energy and passion, if not it's drifting away like other relationships. Please call us at 678-662-7066 for an evaluation of yours.
With shelter in-place measures and widespread organizational closures related to Covid-19 likely to continue for an extended period of time, stress and associated risk factors for family violence such as unemployment, reduced income, limited resources, and limited social support are likely to be further compounded. Additionally, alcohol abuse, a commonly reported risk factor for family violence, has been linked to an accumulation of stressful events and a lack of social support (both likely occurring as a result of Covid-19). With bars and restaurants being limited to take-out service only in many communities, family violence perpetrators who abuse alcohol may be even more likely to do so in the home, likely increasing risk for the entire household.
An increasing risk of domestic violence-related homicide is also a growing concern – reports continue to surface around the globe of intimate partner homicides with ties to stress or other factors related to the Covid-19 pandemic. Reports of increasing gun and ammunition sales in the U.S. during the crisis are particularly concerning given the clear link between firearm access and fatal domestic violence incidents. Communities considering the mass release of prisoners to reduce their risk of spreading Covid-19 in confinement must weigh the potentially significant risk for victims and households if domestic violence or other violent offenders are among those released. This risk is likely to extend outside of the home as well, as 20% of victims in domestic violence-related homicides are not the intimate partner but rather a neighbor, family member, friend, bystander, or first responder.
In addition to adult victims of family violence, children and pets reside in 60 % or more of households where domestic violence is perpetrated and are also at risk of suffering significant physical and/or emotional harm [4. Given current school and library closures and shelter in-place mandates, children are likely to be spending significantly more time than usual in the home. Domestic violence abusers may often target children or pets in the home as a means of furthering control over the household. Researchers estimate children residing in a home where domestic violence occurs are at as much as 60 times the risk of child abuse or neglect compared to the general U.S. child population. Additionally, when domestic violence abusers also harm animals in the home, it is often an indicator of increased risk for both human and animal members of the household. Nearly 80 % of victims residing in a home where domestic violence and pet abuse co-occur report daily fear they will be killed by the perpetrator.
Georgia Anger Management provide life skills on how to reduce family violence.
Please call us at 678-662-7066. We are here to help and please be safe!
Do you know there's a study that can predict the success or failure of your relationship or marriage within 94% accuracy? Find out more at Georgia Anger Management.
Georgia Anger Management is a Nationally Certified Anger Management and Counseling Company, located in Norcross, Georgia. We focus on Communication, Anger Management, Stress Management, Couples Conflict
Management, and Emotional Intelligence, using the Anderson & Anderson Curriculum the world’s largest provider of Anger Management material. The Anderson& Anderson Curriculum is recognized by most Fortune 500 companies, Colleges, also many Federal Government facilities such as County Courts, U.S Postal Service and branches of Armed Forces. Georgia Anger Management helps their clients focus on Anger/Stress management with different techniques and coping strategies to become more productive in Stressful Situations. At the end of our course clients will understand the importance of Emotional Intelligence and will be able to engage better and cultivate healthier relationships in the work place, school, as well as in their personal lives.
Nationally Certified Program for:
Court Ordered, School Ordered (students), Probation, Corporate Businesses (Employees, Managers, HR), Personal Gain Family Intervention, Couples Conflict Management and many life skills.
PLEASE CALL US AT 678-662-7066
Mission Statement To teach, inspire, motivate and empower individuals and organizations with life skills whilst delivering outstanding service. Georgia Anger Management is a Georgia- based Anger Management Education and Training Company offering the Anderson and Anderson model of curriculum. The Anderson & Anderson® model of anger management is the most effective and widely recognized curriculum in the world. The training aspect of the organization was created to provide quality continuing educational services for anger and stress management for individuals, professionals and companies. Our staff conducts ongoing research on anger, stress, emotional intelligence and better communications skills to stay current on all aspects in this field. The major goal of our training services is to bridge the gap between research and application. For more information about our Anger Management programs please call: 678-662-7066
We are certified facilitators in Anger and Stress Management. We specialize in violence in the work place and relationship building. Our sessions are focus driven and designed to enhance inter-personal relationships and promote overall heath. The less stress and anger you have, the happier you become and consequently have a thriving relationship. We have court-ordered classes and individual voluntary sessions.
Our executive coaching seminars and workshops are very popular as more and more executives and managers are realizing the importance of emotional intelligence. Executives and managers learn conflict resolution skills and become more productive in their professions.
What is Anger Management?
Anger management is the process of learning to recognize signs that you're becoming angry, and taking action to calm down and deal with the situation in a positive way. Anger management doesn't try to keep you from feeling anger or encourage you to hold it in. Anger is a normal, healthy emotion when you know how to express it appropriately — anger management is about learning how to do this.
You may learn anger management skills on your own, using books or other resources. But for many people, taking an anger management class or seeing a mental health professional is the most effective approach.
Why it's done
Anger management helps you recognize frustrations early and resolve them in a way that allows you to express your needs — and keeps you calm and in control.
Some signs that you need help controlling your anger include:
The regular feeling that you have to hold in your angerConstant cynical, irritated, impatient, critical or hostile feelingsFrequent arguments with your partner, children or co-workers that escalate frustrationsPhysical violence, such as hitting your partner or children or starting fightsThreats of violence against people or propertyOut-of-control or frightening behavior, such as breaking things or driving recklesslyAnxiety or depression about anger so that you withdraw
How you prepare
A number of books and websites offer information about ways to manage anger. But, if learning skills on your own isn't enough to help you stay calm and in control, you may benefit from seeing a mental health professional or by taking an anger management class.
It can take a little work to find an anger management program, a counselor specializing in anger management or other resources.
Here are some places to start your search:
Ask your primary care doctor or mental health provider for a referral to a program or counselor.Search online for resources, such as blogs, support groups or books.Ask someone who completed an anger management program or took other steps to manage anger.Check with your employee assistance program (EAP) or church.Check your local library for books, videos or other resources.
Beginning anger management
When you start working on anger management, identify your triggers and the physical and emotional signs that occur as you begin to get angry.
Pay attention to and make a list of:
Stressors that commonly trigger or worsen your anger, such as frustration with a child or partner, financial stress, traffic issues, or problems with a co-workerPhysical signs that your feelings of anger are rising — for example, clenching your jaw or driving too fastEmotional signs that your anger is on the rise, such as the feeling you want to yell at someone or that you're holding in what you really want to say
What you can expect
Anger management classes or counseling for anger management can be done in a group or one-on-one with your partner, child or someone else. The setting, length and number of sessions vary, depending on the program or counselor and your needs. Anger management courses or counseling can be brief or last for weeks or months.
Generally, counseling for anger management focuses on learning specific skills and ways of thinking so you can cope with anger. If you have any other mental health conditions, such as depression or addiction, you may need to work on these other issues for anger management methods to be effective.
The aim of counseling and anger management classes is to teach you to:
Identify situations that are likely to set you off and respond in nonaggressive ways before you get angry Learn specific skills to use in situations likely to trigger your anger. Recognize when you aren't thinking logically about a situation, and correct your thinking. Calm yourself down when you begin to feel upset. Express your feelings and needs assertively (but not aggressively) in situations that make you feel angry. Focus on problem-solving in frustrating situations — instead of using energy to be angry, you'll learn how to redirect your energy to resolve the situation.Communicate effectively to defuse anger and resolve conflicts
Improving your ability to manage anger has several benefits. You'll feel as if you have more control when life's challenges turn up the heat. Knowing how to express yourself assertively means you won't feel the frustration of holding in your anger to avoid offending someone.
Anger management can help you:
Communicate your needs. Learn how to recognize and talk about things that frustrate you, rather than letting your anger flare up. Knowing how to express yourself can help you avoid impulsive and hurtful words or actions, resolve conflicts, and maintain positive relationships.Maintain better health. The stress caused by ongoing angry feelings can increase your risk of health problems, such as headaches, difficulty sleeping, digestive issues, heart problems and high blood pressure.Prevent psychological and social problems linked to anger. Examples include depression, problems at work and troubled relationships.Use your frustration to get things done. Anger expressed inappropriately can make it difficult for you to think clearly, and may result in poor judgment. You'll learn to use feelings of frustration and anger as motivators to work harder and take positive action.Help avoid addictive escapes. It's common for people who always feel angry to turn to alcohol, drugs or food to dull anger. Instead, you can use anger management techniques to keep your cool and maintain control.
If you’re struggling with out-of-control anger, you may be wondering why your fuse is so short. Anger problems often stem from what you’ve learned as a child. If you watched others in your family scream, hit each other, or throw things, you might think this is how anger is supposed to be expressed. Traumatic events and high levels of stress can make you more susceptible to anger as well.
Anger is often a cover-up for other feelings
In order to get your needs met and express your anger in appropriate ways, you need to be in touch with what you are really feeling. Are you truly angry? Or is your anger masking other feelings such as embarrassment, insecurity, hurt, shame, or vulnerability?
If your knee-jerk response in many situations is anger, it is very likely that your temper is covering up your true feelings and needs. This is especially likely if you grew up in a family where expressing feelings was strongly discouraged. As an adult, you may have a hard time acknowledging feelings other than anger.
Clues that there’s something more to your anger
You have a hard time compromising. Is it hard for you to understand other people’s points of view, and even harder to concede a point? If you grew up in a family where anger was out of control, you may remember how the angry person got his or her way by being the loudest and most demanding. Compromising might bring up scary feelings of failure and vulnerability.
You have trouble expressing emotions other than anger. Do you pride yourself on being tough and in control, never letting your guard down? Do you feel that emotions like fear, guilt, or shame don’t apply to you? Everyone has those emotions, and if you think you don’t, you may be using anger as a cover for them.
You view different opinions and viewpoints as a personal challenge to you. Do you believe that your way is always right and get angry when others disagree? If you have a strong need to be in control or a fragile ego, you may interpret other perspectives as a challenge to your authority, rather than simply a different way of looking at things.
If you are uncomfortable with many emotions, disconnected, or stuck on an angry one-note response to everything, it might do you some good to get back in touch with your feelings. Emotional awareness is the key to self-understanding and success in life. Without the ability to recognize, manage, and deal with the full range of human emotions, you’ll inevitably spin into confusion, isolation, and self-doubt.
Some Dynamics of Anger
We become more angry when we are stressed and body resources are down.We are rarely ever angry for the reasons we think.We are often angry when we didn't get what we needed as a child.We often become angry when we see a trait in others we can't stand in ourselves.Underneath many current angers are old disappointments, traumas, and triggers
Please call us 678-662-7066 for more details
Georgia Anger Management now offers Bilingual (Spanish) services!
New services now include:
Couples therapy
Immigration Evaluations
Individual and Family Therapy
Workers Compensation counseling
Alcohol and Drug Clinical
Divorce Counseling
Sexual Abuse / Trauma
If Charged with Simple battery, assault or obstruction of justice, the state of Georgia may require you to receive a standardized anger/violence evaluation from certified counselor. This evaluation may recommend Anger/Stress Management classes
A new relationship—whether personal, romantic, or professional—is a lot like buying a new car. Driving it off the lot is pure bliss. As you look around, you can scarcely take it all in. Everything smells, sounds, and looks terrific. You coast through weeks or months—maybe even years— of happy driving before you’re aware of anything that needs fixing. And like a car, when a relationship breaks down, it’s overwhelming; you’re left stuck on the side of the road wondering what went wrong.
A trained eye knows when a car is in trouble. From the sound of the idle to the color of the exhaust exiting the tailpipe, there are telltale signs of distress. The same is true of relationships, and you can be your own mechanic. Researchers at the University of Washington discovered four clear indicators of relationship failure (dubbed “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”) so profound that they predict the future success of a relationship with 93% accuracy. The researchers in Washington conducted their studies with married couples, and their accuracy rate for predicting divorce has held up for more than 14 years after watching couples interact. Please call Georgia Anger Management at 678-662-7066 to schedule an appointment for an assessment and evaluation of your relationship. learn more about “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” Sessions also include, among others:
Relationship Building
Divorce-Proof Your
Building Trust
Effective Communications
Anger & Stress Management
Signs Of A Troubled relationship
10 Secrets To A Happy Relationship
Many More!
Georgia Anger Management offers Stress Management Onsite training program for better stress management, self-esteem, and techniques for staying positive at work. Information is presented in a professional and relaxed style. court ordered anger management classes marriage counseling counseling couples
Program Objectives
At this program's conclusion, participants should be able to:
Understand the study of stress and its impact.List tactics for successful time management.Explain how to prioritize and determine what is really important.Demonstrate techniques for interacting with difficult people.Employ physical and mental techniques for coping with stress.Create reachable goals.Begin implementing goals created during the session.
The following outline highlights some of the course's key learning points. As part of your training program, we will modify content as needed to meet your business objectives. Upon request, we will provide you with a copy of the participant materials prior to the session(s).
Course Outline
Stress Happens: Determining a Treatment Regime
Stress occurs for a host of different reasons. This program begins with an examination of the causes of stress, a brief history of stress study, and a self-diagnostic tool with which participants will pinpoint their biggest stressors: time management issues, communication with coworkers, etc.
I Did It to Myself: Stopping Self Sabotage
"I can't....This always happens to me...." Many self-sabotaging behaviors are the result of negative thoughts and poor choices. This lesson is designed to help participants develop new habits after becoming aware of the various ways that they might be sabotaging their success and adding to stress.
Candles Please!: Eliminating Stress from the Physical Environment
Okay, so there are no candles in most offices, but there are several techniques for removing stress from the physical environment: choosing and sitting in the right chair, walking instead of taking the stairs, removing clutter and other distractions, and more.
Mind over Matter: Six Mental Techniques for Handling Stress
Anticipating and avoiding potentially stressful situations, avoiding unnecessary stress, reducing the importance of an event, reducing uncertainty, tapping into imagery, positive thought, and meditation are all classic techniques for handling workplace stress. This segment introduces those methods of coping and encourages participants to try each.
Almost Massage Therapy: Stretch, Twist, Reach
Unit five covers physical exercises to reduce short-term stress. From deep breathing to cable stretches, participants will learn a variety of treatments for instant renewal
Nutrition Connection: Understanding Food and Stress
The old saying "you are what you eat" is true. Poor nutrition leads to stress. This component reviews basic nutrition and the importance of a healthy diet for maximum productivity
Checking Out: Prescription for Success
The Attitude Day Spa - Managing Stress, Building Self-Esteem, and Staying Positive at Work concludes with each participant selecting goals and methods they will use to combat stress and return to work renewed, refreshed, and ready to tackle new tasks.
After a day of attitude pampering, participants will understand why stress happens to them and how they can reduce it, renew themselves, and take on the challenges of work.
These workshops are at our convenient location or at your location.
Businesses and companies are more productive and profitable if their employees and workers are less stressful.
"Reuben made me feel very comfortable and I learned a lot. Thanks"
-"Even though I was court-ordered and hated the class at the beginning, I came out very educated. I recommend this class. Thanks Reuben."
-"This is a must class for anyone in a relationship."
Jasper (Macon)
" I learned life skills that I can use on my job."
Misty (Atlanta)
-"As I correction officer, I will recommend this class to all my co-workers."
-"The stress management workshop was very helpful and will help my company and employees."
Lydia (Angel Touch Loving Care)
"Thanks Ga Anger Management, your free classes for victims of domestic abuse and violence is really appreciated."
-"Now I know how to handle my anger and stress issues. This is a good class."
-"Thanks Georgia Anger Management. You saved our marriage!"
Ted & Jasmine
-If Charged with Simple battery, assault or obstruction of justice, the state of Georgia may require you to receive a standardized anger/violence evaluation from certified counselor. This evaluation may recommend Anger/Stress Management classes
Effective communication helps us better understand a person or situation, enables us to resolve differences, build trust and respect, and create environments where creative ideas, problem solving, affection, and caring can flourish. As simple as communication seems, many of us experience difficulties connecting successfully with others. Much of what we try to communicate—and others try to communicate to us—gets overlooked or misunderstood, which can cause conflict and frustration in both personal and professional relationships.
Fortunately, effective communication skills can be learned. Whether you’re trying to improve communication with your spouse, kids, boss, or coworkers, it’s important to listen well, recognize nonverbal communication signals, manage stress, and stay connected to your emotions.
How to reduce the most stress in the least amount of time.
The following twelve strategies are designed to help you eliminate the most stress in the least time.
Stop passing judgment. When you honk at bad drivers, get annoyed at the people who talk in the movies, or feel frustrated when a coworker impolitely interrupts, YOU are the one who suffers - NOT the person who has committed the infraction. So whenever you hear yourself thinking like a judge and jury - banish these negative thoughts from the courtroom of your mind - and you'll banish an enormous amount of stress too.Allow extra time. Time pressure is a major source of stress. Next time you snap at the kids, feel stressed in a traffic jam or get chewed out by your boss, look below the surface. Time pressure is often the culprit. To counteract this stressor, build in extra time for kids who will dawdle, for traffic that will become congested and assignments that will take longer than you think. When you take this simple advice you'll be amazed how much stress you'll circumvent.
Create a comfortable morning routine. When you start your day feeling rushed and frazzled, knowing you have more than you can possibly do in the time allotted, your stress levels will skyrocket. To avoid this unpleasant scene, make your lunch, choose your outfit and get organized the night before. Go to bed a little earlier and set your alarm a little earlier too. (30 minutes should do the trick.) Now wake up, stretch, enjoy your coffee and don't rush. But plan on getting to work at least 10 minutes early. Wait till you see how this simple strategy changes your whole day.
Take a shower at the end of the day instead of the beginning. It feels great, it helps you relax (only cuts into TV time which is not relaxing), you won't have to rush and (we promise) you won't get dirty over night. When you flip flop this activity around it will free up an extra 20-30 minutes in the morning when you need it most.
Practice genuine forgiveness. When you hold a grudge, you also hold a toxic dose of anger. You carry this anger everywhere you go, and it radiates out and affects loved ones and others for which the anger is not intended. It's a well known fact that anger can raise your blood pressure, clog your arteries and lead to heart disease. But when you really forgive people (beside cleansing your system of toxic anger) you'll be eliminating an enormous burden of stress, too. As author, Dr. Dean Ornish says: "Just about the most selfish thing you can do is to forgive other people."
Get organized. Disorganization is stressful. Clean your desk, tidy your car, organize your closets. You won't believe how much less stressed you'll be.
Only worry with a writing instrument. Take comfort in the fact that most worries never come to pass and things worth worrying about usually hit you by surprise. So force needless worries out of your mind, and only allow yourself to worry when you can make a list of what's troubling you or talk over your worries with a trusted friend.
Living in the moment. When you first wake up in the morning, do you lie there and enjoy the warmth of your bed (living in the moment) or do you worry about the day ahead? When you take a shower, do you enjoy how good the hot water feels (living in the moment) or do you think about something your boss might have said to you the day before? When you stand in a long line at the bank do you make a point to talk to person next to you (living in the moment) or do you just stand there feeling frustrated? When you go places with your children are you really there with them - talking and interacting (living in the moment) - or are you somewhere else, reliving some unpleasant interaction you had with someone else that you can never change. When we detach ourselves from our lives in this way, not only are we missing out on moments that will never come again, the places we go to in our minds are often filled with pain and suffering. We criticize ourselves. (Why can't I afford a car like that?) We nit pick. (My spouse didn't put the milk away again!) We feel guilty. (I should have spent more time at the office this week!) We worry. (What if the economy never recovers?) We get angry. (My co-worker is so rude.) And we feel resentful. (That little weasel didn't deserve a promotion.) This insane voice is the source of more stress than you can calculate. But you can turn this voice off simply by tuning into the moment (In the ways we have described in the first paragraph). Another way to turn this voice off is by engaging in activities that produce flow. Flow comes about during activities that are so gratifying and satisfying that, when you're done, you say to yourself, where did the time go? Whether it's a job you love, a hobby you really enjoy, dancing, listening to great music, or reading a great book, during periods of flow the voice in your head goes away and you fully immerse yourself in what you are doing. In a sense, living in the moment occurs automatically during these times. So whether you consciously try to live in the moment, or find activities that produce flow, either way, you will quiet the mind and eliminate an extraordinary amount of stress.
Call a friend. Your network of friends may be the most powerful stress management tool you have at your disposal. Cultivate friendships with people who can make you laugh and/or listen attentively and call them whenever you feel low.
Learn to say no. Too many volunteer activities will make you crazy. Write down five different ways to say no and practice saying them until the words roll off your tongue. Start with: Let me check my calendar and I'll get back to you.
Skip the 11 O'clock news. Most news programs over-emphasize death and disaster to get you hooked. You don't need this in your head the last thing before you go to bed at night. Turn off the TV at ten and read something interesting or inspirational before you go to bed instead.
Be grateful. Make a mental list of all the things you have to be grateful for and say them to yourself before you got to bed at night. You'll be amazed at how relaxing and reassuring this little exercise can be.
HearthMath™ research gives practical stress and anger controls. Book: HearthMath™ Solutions. Experience Appreciation, Caring, Compassion and Love while concentrating on the heart and breathing through the heart.
Most people believe that stress is the result of events and circumstances they can't control, like a flat tire, a traffic jam or a missed deadline. But to a large extent it's your thinking about these that is the true source of your distress. You may not be able to control what happens to you, but you CAN control your reaction to it. Knowing this simple fact, and using some of the techniques described above will put you in the driver's seat of your life.
You don't have to be court-ordered to attend
Mon | 09:00 am – 09:00 pm | |
Tue | 09:00 am – 09:00 pm | |
Wed | 09:00 am – 09:00 pm | |
Thu | 09:00 am – 09:00 pm | |
Fri | 09:00 am – 09:00 pm | |
Sat | 10:00 am – 02:00 pm | |
Sun | Closed |